CJS Securities


We have Mercury

CJS Securities (Pty) Ltd has developed the trading platform Mercury which allows you to trade the dollar and the commodities simultaneously with no slippage. The on-the-go system has been built with the speed of execution in mind and makes use of the latest execution technologies.

Our dollar rand pricing is one of the most competitive on the global market, making use of current market rates. To top it all off, we can book currencies into futures for settlement.

Within our Mercury platform, we developed a unique dollar-based algorithm that provides the opportunity to trade and view South African commodity products in dollars. Using this algorithm, we can eliminate any slippage risk that may occur when converting commodities to dollars as both the commodity and the currency exchange are simultaneously executed.

The Mercury platform is unique to CJS Securities (Pty) Ltd. Developed in-house to cater to our clients’ bespoke needs, through our offering of a range of other algorithms and are happy to look at developing a specific algorithm for your individual needs.

The proof is in the pudding!